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Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Monument to Hypocrisy

March 24, 2006

star By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Little yellow stars reminiscent of Nazi-era Jewish symbols will be given to schoolchildren visiting holocaust exhibits at the $300 million "Museum for Human Rights" planned for Winnipeg.

The stars will not read "Jude" but they could. They attempt to make gentiles embrace the pro Zionist policies of the New World Order.

The Museum of Genocide is the brainchild of the late media mogul Israel Asper and is being carried forward by his family, which owns "Canwest Global" the largest newspaper chain in Canada as well as TV networks in Canada and abroad.

The Aspers don't see the irony of putting "human rights" in a museum, but that is exactly what is happening. Nor do they see the irony of promoting "human rights" when locals are too afraid of the Aspers' power to voice opposition.

While nothing ever can justify genocide, anti-Semitism always has been caused by perceived Jewish subverison of national cultures and religion in favor of an international order secretly run by world central bankers. This museum preaches a Gospel of Diversity which confers "Human Rights" on select minorities at the expense of the majority.

It is an insulting elite mind control program, never debated democratically, designed to make European Christian heterosexuals forfeit their values and heritage. By conferring a quasi-sacred status on selected "persecuted minorities," it stigmatizes as a bigot anyone who dares speak for the majority. In other words, the Aspers or whomever they represent, have learned nothing from history or plainly don't wish to.

The human race is in the grip of Lucifer-loving megalomaniacs who represent a marriage of Jewish financial and British-American and European dynastic families. To be successful, our political and cultural leaders must cater to them. In turn, this elite is happy to let many Jews (as well as gentiles) advance their agenda and all Jews take the blame for it.


To sample the emotional assault that unwary visitors will encounter, watch the Museum's 20-minute promotional video. (Don't skip the mawkish flash introduction. The video loads automatically afterward.)

Combine this psychological coercion with graphic displays of genocide and you have a trauma brainwashing facility. It boasts a "life altering experience" that will turn 250,000 visitors a year into "proactive" change-agents.

The video mentions injustices against Jews, Native Indians, Ukrainians, Rwandans, Cambodians and Bosnians. Conspicuously missing are the Palestinians. The Aspers of course are Zionists; their media outlets pump Israel, the Iraq War and the bogus War on Terror.

Absent from museum walls will be murals of Palestine children gunned down by Israeli soldiers or Rachel Corrie crushed by an Israeli army tractor. Pontificating about human rights while supporting an ideology that stole Palestinian homes, and keeps a million people penned like animals is hypocritical to say the least. If Israel's only purpose were a "Jewish homeland," we would have had peace long ago.

They mention the Ukrainian famine genocide; Winnipeg has a large Ukrainian population. I doubt however they will mention that Stalin and most Communist leaders were ethnic Jews, and that the real cause of anti-Semitism was (and is) the prominence of some Jews in the Communist contagion that now takes the form of world government. I suspect that many atrocities like the Iraq War can be traced to this agenda.

There is no mention of the incineration of 250,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If they do include it, I doubt they will explain the role of international bankers like Bernard Baruch in the development of the atomic bomb and decision to use it. These bankers may have lent the Aspers the roughly $2 billion required to buy their newspaper chain.

I doubt if they will honor the more than 600,000 German civilians that died in Allied bombing raids and the millions more that died after the war concluded.

They plan a wall with the inscription "None is Too Many" to commemorate the failure of Western countries to take endangered Jewish refugees. I doubt they will explain that certain elements of the Jewish leadership was responsible for these policies designed to justify the creation of Israel.

I don't expect to see giant portraits of Ernst Zundel and David Irving who have been imprisoned merely for scrutinizing the Jewish Holocaust story. I doubt if there will be references to the abuses occasioned by the "war on terror." Human rights indeed!

Leaving Jewish issues aside, they talk about human rights abuses in Darfur when thousands of divorced fathers here in Canada are routinely discriminated against by feminist dominated court and social services. They cannot see their biological children. The hidden agenda is the destruction of the nuclear family.

No doubt this museum will also celebrate the combining of heterosexual and homosexual marriage, part of an undeclared war on heterosexuals and families. (See my "Canada Redefines Marriage.")

Somehow I doubt if the Aspers will refuse advertising from Wal-Mart, built on the sweatshops of China and the de-industrialization of America.

In the video, they honor the Jesuit-trained pedophile Pierre Trudeau and the Soviet fellow traveler Lester Pearson. I think you get the idea. This museum is a propaganda machine for the NWO; it is Willy Munzenberg or Edward Bernay's wet dream.

Despite receiving $100 million in taxpayer money, this museum will be controlled by the Asper Foundation, and not the Heritage Department which normally administers museums.


Our human rights are God-given. I don't think the word God is mentioned once. This museum is a pagan temple. Its sponsors wish to replace God-given rights, the freedom to obey the Creator's voice in our divine soul, with human rights which they define and apply. They make themselves God.

museumThe museum resembles a cathedral with a wet tissue thrown over it. A "Hall of Commitment" leads to a "Human Rights Observatory" just below a steeple called "The Tower of Hope." From there glass elevators lead down to the "heart of the facility," a "meditation garden" at the base where visitors can "share stories."

templeThe museum bears a physical resemblance to a "Temple of Understanding" that elitists had planned to build in Washington DC in the 1960's. It was to celebrate the six great world religions, a perfect way to dilute the importance of Christianity, the religion of 85% of Americans.

Elites keep pushing for a "United Nations of Religions" as if religious differences caused the world's problems. Religious, national, sexual or racial differences are not the problem. The problem is the subversive elite program to destroy these differences and melt the human race into an amorphous pulp to be remolded according to their specifications.


This "human rights" museum teaches people that their identity consists of embracing specific "differences" and that it is "hateful" and not "inclusive" to uphold one's own Christian and European heritage.

The elite wraps itself in piety while committing the most egregious abuses itself.
The right to know the truth is the most basic right of all. Yet Canwest doesn't cover the elite plan for world government. Instead it peddles the lies about 9-11 and advances the Zionist agenda.

Canada would earn international praise by spending $300 Million on a Museum of Western Civilization. Instead it builds this brainwashing facility, which should be cancelled before it becomes lightning rod for social discord.


Related: Aspers Sponsor Lesbian Muslim "Reformer"

Also Haaretz -"Diversity Slow to Reach Israel"

Lifesite comments on "Temple of Ideology"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Monument to Hypocrisy"

Jean said (March 27, 2006):

Thanks for your latest article Henry. As far as I know, you are the first to point out the underlying moral sickness of the "Museum of Human Rights" propaganda tool. I bet these museums will grow like mushrooms in the coming years, now that almost every Western village has already its mandatory Holocaust exhibition.

It is estimated that nearly 1.7 million Iraqis were killed by war or sanctions since 1991 in the name of the „weapons of mass destruction” lie. Many more will probably die from the diseases induced by the radioactive uranium weapons used in the gulf wars. Why does the „Museum of Human Rights” ignore such a genocide if it wants to promote peace? I agree with you, Henry, that the answer is: because the „Museum of Human Rights” is a creation of the same soulness globalists (Illuminati) who are provoking themselves most of the the wars they are denouncing as being the result of cultural and religious diversities.

Far from being the result of cultural and religious diversities, the wars provoked by the Illuminati are principally intended to destroy these diversities as well as the national sovereignties. The cultural and religious diversity is not only making the colourful richness of the humankind but is also the greatest obstacle, altogether with the national sovereignties, to the fascist planetary empire the Illuminati want us to be enslaved in.

One day, there will be no more need for separate nations and different religious beliefs, since that day the humankind will be evolved enough to live without these spiritual supports. However, this day is not yet arrived. The reason the Illuminati want to deprive us from these spiritual supports is they want to reduce us in the helpless spiritual state which could give them the absolute power. Indeed, fake „Human Rights Museums” are part of the propaganda employed to make the humankind spiritually receptive to a fascist "new world order".

Jason said (March 26, 2006):

Museum of self proclaimed victimhood would be a more appropriate name. It is a work of hypocrisy of course, as it tends to ignore the plight of millions who are not worthy of the title of "disadvantaged". You are right to point
out single fathers as one example; I would add white heterosexual male as yet another - the only group openly discriminated against in all forms of media, in higher education, the job market and promotions. White males,
having the title of "advantaged group" can be quota-ed out of just about anything these days, and it's all okay because we're just correcting for past wrongs... by creating brand new ones!

I would say that on Israel, you seem to be a little off the mark (this is the harshest criticism I can give this piece:) Israel is in many ways, under attack by the new world order. Anti-semitism, hell racism of all sorts, is
on the rise in an era in which everyone is vying for the status of most hopeless victim. In the case of Israel though, I think what we're seeing, at a globalist elite level, is a seething hatred. The United Nations recently
featured a map with Israel removed at a meeting with Arabs, and I believe that Israel's days may be numbered. We must remember, that while Israel may be a useful pawn, like the United States, that useful pawns are often sacrificed for higher aims later on in the game.

Since communism, satanism, and the new world order all, are founded by the same eternally loathsome beings, it stands to reason that God's chosen people, (in spite of how far they may have fallen), will still be target
number one when things fall through. Mark my words, we're repeating histroy here again, and I predict the pendulum will wrap right around hitting many who until now have thought themselves exempt.

This church reminded me of the 'Ark of the Earth' located at the UN headquarters. Once again, we seem to be mirroring, through communist new world order thinking, the self-same mockery that Satan has traditionally
employed in all his activities. God's Utopia - Man's Marxism; God's justice
- Man's Quotas; God's Ark - Man's 'Earth' Ark; God's Church - Man's museum; and in due course: God's chosen people - Man's mortal enemy.

Michael said (March 25, 2006):

You are very right when you conclude "diversity" is the reason for the increasing resentment of American/Canadian Jews. Just about evey Jew I know thinks open-ended immigration (and hyper-cheap labor) is just wonderful (I wonder if we were bringing in millions of doctors, professors, lawyers, journalists, etc. that drastically lowered their OWN wages if they would be so enthusiasitic----I think not).

Anyway, when you read the masthead of a magazine like National Review (started by Yaliee' Bill Buckley, whom Im beginning to suspect was Illuminatti all along and has passed the mag over to Jewish Neo-Cons at now, the appointed time) and see that where 20 years ago, 2 or 3 Jewish writers and 10 or so Gentile writers have been replaced by 7-8 Jewish writers and 5-6 Gentile ones. NR has turned completely Neo-Con (outsourcing and immigration are wonderful). My local Gannett paper often now has an editorial page consisting of three syndicated columnists who will ALL be Jewish. This happens about 3 days a week now. Turn to editorial page and see Jonathan Gurtiz, Tom Friedman, Mona Charen, Rick Horowitz, John Tierney, Tom Seigenthaler tell a bunch of Nashvillians what to think (and to always think immigration is a good thing, and that diversity in a city that was 80% white and 20% black just 15 years ago is better off that its now 55% white 30% hispanic, arab, aisian, other and 15% black). Home values fallin', schools gang-bangin', crime uppin', etc. Again, nobody let us vote on this, but Jewish voices in the media are there to tell us we are bad racist people if we question it.

To point this out, gets one labeled a racist, Nazi, or anti-semite. Folks dont like dishonest argumentative tactics like this. They are going to blame the dishonest debaters for their nation being taken away from them, and the value of their labor falling through the damn floor to poverty levels.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at