England's Jewish Aristocracy
February 9, 2023

Wonder why the British are "all in" for Ukrainian suicide?
Did you know that Simon Cowell, the acerbic judge on American Idol, is half-Jewish?
British Jews keep a low profile but they are extremely influential. Similarly, it is hardly known that the British aristocracy largely is half-Jewish too, and that, in the words of L.G. Pine, Editor of Burke's Peerage, "the Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual." (219)

"After Waterloo [1815] London became the money market and the clearinghouse of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical." ("The Jews" 1922)
The British Empire was a Masonic Jewish proxy. British & American imperialism derived its moxie from the perverse desire of Cabalist bankers to use their money-creating power to buy real assets. The Illuminati bankers (i.e. the "Crown") colonized England & the US as well as the world. The "Jewish Conspiracy" was the British Empire now repackaged as the New World Order. Of course, now it encompasses everyone with a stake in "globalism."

Pine is outspoken in a way few people are today. He says that for every Rothschild or Disraeli, there were "10 cases of Jewish connection which are now forgotten. The reason is that in many cases "Jewish origin is concealed." (218)
The marriage of Jewish finance and British aristocracy took place literally. Spendthrift gentry married the daughters of rich Jews.
Pine is scornful of the British aristocracy: "A man is not usually thought the more of, because he has married a woman for her money...An ancient estate is likely to be sold unless some large sums are found. The sums are found from marriage with a Jewish heiress..."
An outstanding example is the marriage of the 5th Earl of Roseberry who married the only daughter and heiress of Baron Mayer de Rothschild and later became Prime Minister. "She stayed in the Jewish religion but her children were educated as Christians...The alliances between Jewish ladies and British lords are mostly of this type, the wife providing large sums...while the aristocrat has the title and ancient estate. The children are able to look back upon a varied bag of ancestors."

But he opines that England's enfeebled elite may need this protection from the "forces of revolution":
"The power of money is very great and as almost every liberal newspaper is under Jewish influence it follows that the forces of revolution when directed against the peers are likely to meet with as determined opposition from the Jewish kinfolk of the aristocracy..."
L.G. Pine needn't worry about the "forces of revolution" since they were created by Jewish finance to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands. This will find its apogee in the New World Order.
The "Jewish Conspiracy" may indeed be the British Empire, and the "Jews" may, in fact, be the Masonic British aristocracy who regard themselves as Jews, and often are. They consider themselves one of the lost tribes of Israel, the real "Chosen People." The word "Brit" apparently derives from the Hebrew for "pact" or "covenant" ( i.e. the Jewish Covenant with God.) Members of the British royal family are circumcised by a Jewish mohel.
Arnold Leese -- Overlords, Jews in England
Jewish Inroads- British Royalty
Jews, and the Jews in England Anthony Ludovici
RH said (February 9, 2023):
This makes sense as the British Empire history appears to be one of plundering and looting other countries. I listened to an Indian PM talking about the richest country of the world before the British arrived was India and then he went on to say that India was the poorest country in the world when the British left.
When I was in elementary school (1960s) we were constantly shown pictures of starving Indian children and asked to donate our silver dimes to help feed these unfortunate souls. Which we did. They not only got our money but the silver to boot. I can only hope some children were fed.
People watch BBC shows all the time and see the mansions and huge estates of the lords and ladies and never put it together that these "castles" were probably built from illicit behavior but somehow washed cleaned from the sin of its creation.
As Gerald Celente may say..."That's not my Christianity." because it isn't Christian behavior.
We were taught of the royal considering themselves as Blue Bloods. Well. there it you go. Its not so hard to figure out with the proper information.