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August 22, 2009


by John S. Torrell

His full name was Moritz Moses Hess, born in 1812 in Bonn, Germany to a rich Jewish industrialists. Moses died in Paris in 1875 and was buried in Israel. He was a Cabalist and follower of Jacob Frank. In "Judisches Lexicon) Berlin 1928, pages 1577-78, he is listed as a Communist rabbi and the father of modern socialism.

In 1841 Hess started the newspaper "Rheinische Zeitung" and a year later he made Karl Marx (then 24 years old) its chief editor. Hess brought Marx into a Free Masonic order and converted him to socialism and later communism. In 1844, Hess introduced Friedrich Engels to Karl Marx. Engels was two years younger than Marx. Moses Hess was also a member of the Illuminati, and in 1847 he introduced both Marx and Engels into this Luciferian order. The branch of the Illuminati that they joined was called "THE COVENANT OF THE RIGHTEOUS." When Karl Marx later moved to London with his family, he was supported until the time of his death by Nathan Rothschild.

NOTE: If someone would have prophesied in 1850 that the work of these three German Jews would someday lead to the formation of the Soviet Union and the spread of Communism to more than half the world's population at its zenith, no one would have believed them. The same can be said of Mohammad who founded Islam and all other evil men who through their evil writings and plottings have caused so much death and pain in the world. Christians living today cannot understand that what evil men and women are writing and speaking on today, will someday bring the Antichrist into the world.

Hess died in 1875, Marx died eight years later in 1883 and Engels outlived Marx by 12 years and died in 1895. But they had made powerful disciples which were to become household names after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, 23 years after the death of Engels. Vladimir Lenin, who's mother was Jewish, led a group of International Communists from Switzerland via Germany, Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg in Russia. With him was his Jewish wife Krupsakaya, who was to play a major role in the revolution.

From New York came the Russian born Jew, Lev Trotzky, with 300 well trained Russian Jews who had been training in New York to become officers of the coming new Red Army. Add to this some 90,000 other young Russian Jews who had been exiled to Siberia or had fled Russia and lived in different European nations, training and waiting for the moment to seize power in Russia. In Russia they met up with young Joseph Stalin, who was married to a Jewish wife.

I do not have the space to name all of the Jewish leadership under Lenin and later under Stalin. But here are the most important leaders: Lenin formed a "troika" with Zinoview and Kamenev, both Jewish. The politburo in 1922 consisted of Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotzky, Bukharin, Tomsky and Stalin. When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin outsmarted all the others who were eventually killed by Stalin's agents.

But, in this letter, I want to focus on the communist intelligence operations. The leader for the Cheka in 1918, when the great terror was begun, were the following men and women, all Jewish: Chairman was Felix Dzerzjinskij (Rufin) with the nick name "The Iron strong Felix." The following deputy directors, Jakov Peters, Sjklovskij, Kneifis, Zeistin, Krenberg, Maria Chaikina, Sachs, Leontevitj, Delafabr, Blumkin, Alexandrovitj, Zitkin, Zahlman, Ryvkin, Reintenberg, Fines, Goldin, Gelperstein, Knigessen, Deibkin, Schillenckus, E. Rozmirovithj, G. Sverdlov, Karlson, Deibol, Zakis, Janson, Sjaumjan, Seizjan, Fogel, Antonov, Jakov Sorenseon.

In just one year 320,000 Russian priests were murdered by this killing machine. According to KGB records made public after 1991, the Cheka killing machine exterminated 10,180 000 persons between 1918-1920. The brutal civil war that Lenin fought to subdue all of Russia caused another 15 million people to die. During the man-made starvation period (1921-1922) another 5,053,000 Russians died. During Lenin's first four years in power he exterminated over 30 million Russians.

When Joseph Stalin took power in Russia , Lazar Kaganovitj became his right hand. Lazar was born in 1893 and at the young age of 21 he graduated from the Jewish High Talmud Academy and the following year was appointed "Chief Rabbi" of Russia. Kaganovitj had Stalin's full trust and used the intelligence killing machine to further eliminate Russian people.

It was Kaganovitj that led the great starvation campaign between 1932-33, which hit the hardest in the Ukraine and northern Caucasia. All independent farmers were forced off their farms, and some of them were forced to join so called "kibbutz", which in Russian were known as "Kolchos." Stalin had given orders that the Russian population had to be reduced, so that he could boast that there were no unemployed persons in the Soviet Union, which was advertised as "Workers' Paradise" in the West. In 1933 six million men, women and children died of starvation. During the spring of 1933, 25,000 persons died every day in the Ukraine. The Soviets put the total death toll at around 15 million persons. Stalin had put three Communist Jews in charge of this extermination: Lazar Kaganovitj, Jakov Jakovlev (Epstein) and G. Kaminskij. These three men decided how many farmers were to be left in the Soviet Union while the rest were to be either starved to death or moved to the Gulag system (slave labor camps).

The situation was so severe in the Ukraine, that in 1934 cannibalism became widespread and children who had lost their parents were taken to special slaughter houses where they were killed and the meat cut and sold to the population.

It is also important to bring out that Lev Trotsky led a drive in the rest of Russia in 1929-1931 to take the farms from the farmers and force them to work in collective farms. Just to let readers understand the damage done to the Russian people, look at these numbers. The Communist killer gangs slaughtered 17.7 million horses, 29.8 million cattle (10 million of them milk cows), 14.4 million pigs and 93.9 million sheep and goats.

The result of this wholesale destruction of the Russian farms, meat and dairy products was that around 15 million Russians starved to death. (Figures were taken from official archives of the KGB released after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991).

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at